2nd Virginia NWTA Information

“The World Turned Upside Down”

Interested in joining 2VA? Huzzah (rhymes with Hurray!)   

Contact Al Potyen:  630 790-9247   email

If mutually acceptable, click here and complete application.  
Individual annual dues (check made out to 2VA) for $30 ($20 NWTA + $10 2VA); Family $45

($25 NWTA + $20 2VA).  Remember:  No representation without taxation!  : )  
FYI only:  NWTA Member Application

Primary Impression of 2nd Virginia, NWTA -- Regimental   (Cmdr:  Col. Christian Febiger)

(June 23 - July 20, 1782 at Savannah, GA)

2014 Grand Encampment Cantigny:  Photo thanks to Bruce Shipyor

Secondary Impression of 2nd Virginia, NWTA -- “Militia” Not - Continental Line  (Cmdr:  Col. William Woodford)

17 July 1775 authorized by the Virginia Convention

(Last week of October - First week of November; founding retroactive to 1 November, 1775)

2019 Grand Encampment Cantigny: Photo thanks to Bruce Shipyor

Cantigny:  Photo thanks to Bruce Shipyor   Purple Rifle shirt

George Washington prized this rugged pullover for its four-season practicality. Based on a farmer’s smock, the garment allowed for ease of movement for both musician and rifleman. Frocks were dyed many colors; purple is a color specific to Williamsburg [Virginia].

From J Perkins:  2VA was founded in 1970.  Members of the 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry [Civil War], an N-SSA [North-South Skirmish Association] unit, began the 2nd Virginia in 1970, and I joined the 2nd in 1971.  By that time they had applied to the BAR for membership, but were turned down, so in 1973 Vic [Mejias] went to a meeting in Wisconsin where the NWTA was formed.  The original 2nd was also a shooting unit, and I went to Tippecanoe, Indiana (Lafayette) where we did live fire on the original battlefield.  Like the 104th, we again used original muskets as there were no repros available at that time.  The original NWTA/2nd Virginia guidelines allowed any original flintlock made up to the adoption of the first percussion US musket in 1842.


From David Jahntz:  Original/founding members of 2nd Virginia NWTA include:  Vic Mejias, Bill Sullivan, Bob Walter, Ward Smidl, Bob Gramberg, George Androne, and J Perkins. Other early members include Jim and Darlene Nawrocki, Parker Lienhart, and Mike Barksdale.  

From Al Potyen: In 1775, 2VA was Continental line!  Regimental uniforms were ordered from France, made, shipped, but never received.  They were sold at auction in London.  We had to make do.  Linen hunting shirts were  made, dyed purple (with dye made from an extract of the logwood tree).  Indigo was not available (embargo and blockade).  Red collars and cuffs were used to indicate facings. Virginia (Central Colony) was to have blue-faced red regimentals.  Purple was as close to blue as we could get.

2nd Virginia Flag (faded from red to orange)

Our original reenactor group interest was in the 2nd Virginia group joining General Anthony Wayne as light infantry storming Stony Point in July 1779.  Unfortunately, it has been difficult to find the uniform associated with the Stony Point group.  Here is some information which has just come to light:


Continental Infantry: Posey's Battalion, Febiger's Regt, Wayne's Lt. Infantry Brigade 1779


The reeanactor group then sees itself as part of the "new" 2nd Virginia and then as part of Captain Alexander (younger brother of Richard) Parker’s company (Thomas Posey's battalion), from which our primary impression uniform has been researched (Savannah, GA, 1782).  Perhaps a convenient way to follow the 2nd Virginia would just be to track Alexander Parker throughout his time in the war.  Check here for some timelines (he first joined under his brother Richard Parker*):  http://poegen.net/Misc/RevolutionaryWarVirginiaRegiment.htm   (use Control F “Alexander Parker”)

 According to member J Perkins:  "The 1782 uniform represents the last form of the uniform worn by the 2nd Va. We were a small unit by that time, the bulk of the regiment, except for about 100 who escaped capture or who were away on recruiting duty, having been captured at Charleston in 1780.  From what I researched, the "new" 2nd Va was a unit made up after the 1780 capture, and was present at Yorktown (1781)*.  Our unit was commanded by Capt. Alexander Parker in LTC Thomas Posey’s battalion-sized detachment at Savannah in June of 1782, when we fought the last battle in the South (Americans all) before the end of the war.  This is what our uniform represents - June 1782.  I researched the coatee as best I could, and that is why we have it, instead of the long coat.  We were not one of the original companies of 1775.  Also, 6th Va. was consolidated with us at some point, I believe, after Valley Forge in 1778."

* According to member David Jahntz:  The reconstituted 2VA dug redoubts for the French artillery at the Battle of Yorktown.  Some members of the captured 2nd Virginia Regiment at Battle of Charleston (which ended on May 12, 1780) joined Gaskin's Virginia Battalion prior to the Yorktown siege.  At Yorktown this group was not part of either the 2nd Virginia continental or state regiments.  They did, however, dig the trenches and redoubt fortifications for the French artillery south of Cornwallis' Redoubts 9 and 10 in October of 1781.


“The 2d Virginia Regiment, along with elements of the Culpeper Minute Battalion, engaged the British at the battle of Great Bridge (modern day Chesapeake Virginia), which was a decisive victory. Colonel William Woodford, reporting on the 2d Virginia Regiment's Service at the Battle of Great Bridge, wrote in a letter published in Purdie's Virginia Gazette, December 15, 1775: ‘This was a second Bunker's Hill affair, in miniature; with this difference, that we kept our post, and had only one man wounded in the hand.’”  https://www.wikiwand.com/en/2nd_Virginia_Regiment     Battle of Great Bridge in detail. Supplement to Battle of Great Bridge


Of the 25 Deadliest Battles of the Revolutionary War, the 2d Virginia Regiment fought in five of them: #2 Germantown, #3 Brandywine, #11 Monmouth, #12 Waxhaws and #15 Charleston.  If one counts the "reconstituted" 2d Virginia Regiment of 1781 which fought with Greene, you can add #4 Eutaw Springs and #13 Guilford Courthouse.


Here is a list of battles in which the 2nd Virginia (or a * detachment, formal or not) was engaged:  Great Bridge (9 Dec 75), Cooch’s Bridge* (3 Sep 77), Brandywine (11 Sep 77), Germantown (4 Oct 77), [Valley Forge, Winter 77-78], Monmouth (28 Jun 78), Stony Point* (16 Jul 79), Paulus Hook* (19 Aug 79), Charleston* (29 Mar - 12 May, 80), Waxhaws (29 May 80), Cowpens* (17 Jan ‘81), Guilford Court House (15 Mar 81), Hobkirk's Hill (26 Apr 81), Ninety-Six (May-Jun 81), Battle of Eutaw Springs (8 Sep 81),  Battle of Ogeechee Creek (22 May 82) in the Savannah Campaign:  7 April 82 brought reinforcements in the form of Colonel Thomas Posey’s Virginia Continentals. “I believe both officers and men are second to none in the American Army!” declared Wayne in a letter to Greene.  The regiment was formally disbanded on 15 Nov 83.

Courtesy American Revolution Museum at Yorktown

African American Billy Flora At Battle of Great Bridge   Courtesy American Revolution Museum at Yorktown


The 2d Virginia Regiment, along with elements of the Culpeper Minute Battalion, engaged the British at the battle of Great Bridge (modern day Chesapeake Virginia), which was a decisive victory. Colonel William Woodford, reporting on the 2d Virginia Regiment's Service at the Battle of Great Bridge, wrote in a letter published in Purdie's Virginia Gazette, December 15, 1775: "This was a second Bunker's Hill affair, in miniature; with this difference, that we kept our post, and had only one man wounded in the hand."[1]            https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Great_Bridge

Courtesy of Battle of Great Bridge Museum


Here is information about one of 2nd Virginia’s commanders:  Christian Febiger:


 Febiger is cited in a February 20, 1942, Ripley's Believe It or Not! feature as having been the "only soldier who took part in every important battle of the Revolutionary War from Bunker Hill to Yorktown."


Battle of Germantown   — Unknown reporter, Virginia Gazette, October 17, 1777


“The heroism and gallantry of the second Virginia regiment I cannot help particularly mentioning; they would do honour to any country in the world.  It is universally believed they behaved the best of any troops in the field.”




     2VA’s last engagement was in Savannah, GA, in 1782.  Bill Bahr’s research led him to discern that 2VA under Col Thomas Posey was in the Sharon Park area of Savannah. https://allthingsliberty.com/2014/10/anthony-waynes-1782-savannah-campaign/   Using GPS he found what he believes is an area close to where 2VA was encamped.  He visited the area on 13 December 2015 and found the following information. See link below for Google Earth with coordinates.  As a historical reference, the Siege of Savannah was the Second Battle of Savannah in 1779, 3 yrs before this encampment.  


The blue octagon in the Google Earth image above is the canopy in the Park at Sharon park in the image below. The intersection is the center of Sharon Park, which is ½ way between Savannah Hilton Head International Airport and Savanna.  Sharon Park is about 4 miles west-north-west (10 o’clock) of the Savannah historic district.  Ogeechee River runs to the west of Sanvannah.  No location found yet for the Battle of Ogeechee Creek.  

The park at Sharon Park is close to the intersection of Sharon Park Drive and Shaw Avenue in Savannah, GA.  

Men of the 2nd Virginia were also at the Battle of Ogeechee Creek, just west of Savannah and about 12 miles west of Sharon Park.  


* Richard Parker (1751 – 8 May 1780) was an American colonel who fought in the American Revolutionary War.  Son of prominent Virginia jurist Richard Parker, Captain Richard Parker of the 3rd Company, 2nd Virginia Regiment raised his company from the Westmoreland District (primary county of Westmoreland; with Montross as county seat ).  Parker received an officer's commission in a Virginia regiment [2nd Virginia] early in the conflict. He probably was present at Great Bridge and Norfolk.  Promoted to major [in the 6th Virginia Regt], he fought at Trenton in December 1776 and commanded the regiment at Second Trenton and Princeton in January 1777.  At Brandywine in September 1777 he led a [2nd Virginia] detachment of light infantry in delaying the British.  The next month he fought at Germantown.  Promoted to colonel [of 1st Virginia Regt] at Valley Forge, he led [first the 1st, 5th, 9th VA and then, right before the battle] a picked detachment at Monmouth in June 1778.  In May 1779, George Washington ordered him back to Virginia to recruit a new regiment.  After being sent south with a new unit of reinforcements [1st VA Detachment] for Charleston, South Carolina in late 1779, he died of wounds received at the Siege of Charleston in 1780.



Wikipedia on Second Virginia Regiment

Second Virginia History

2nd Virginia History

More 2nd Virginia History

Even more 2nd Virginia History

Orderly Book of Captain Robert Gamble

Thomas Posey

Memoir of Thomas Posey (electronic p 359, especially p 382 onward)

Regimental History as Reported by Brother Reenactors

Battles of the American Revolution

Our 2nd Virginia Friends

Second Virginia Family Search

Second Virginia Valley Forge Muster Roll

List of Virginia [to include 2nd VA] Revolutionary War Soldiers

Battle of Stony Point 1

Battle of Stony Point 2

Battle of Stony Point 3

Battle of Stony Point 4

Battle of Stony Point: "Barnes & Noble Illustrated Guide to Sites of the American Revolution"

"'Give the order, Sir, and I will lay siege to hell!'  When 'Mad Anthony' Wayne spoke these words to

George Washington in the summer of 1779, he wasn't boasting.  Given Wayne's reputation for daring and

bravery, he likely would have marched into hell if Washington had ordered it.  Luckily for Wayne,

the General is said to have replied, 'Take Stony Point first.'"  

"...Four regiments were assigned to Wayne.  The men, numbering a little more than 1300, were the cream

of the Continental crop, hardy veterans, many of whom had either been drilled in bayonet fighting by

Baron von Steuben or had drilled using his infantry manual."

"...Nathanael Greene, writing that same month[July], recognized the propaganda value of the victory.  

'The attack was...conducted with great spirit and enterprise, the troops marching up in the face of an

exceeding heavy fire with cannon and musketry, without discharging a gun.  This is thought to be

 the perfection of discipline and will for ever immortalize Gen. Wayne, as it would do honor to the

first general in Europe.'"

2VA Leather Cap at Cantigny 2017

2 inch and  2 pound (ball),  3 parts (cannon, trestle, legs),  4 man (carry)  cannon
Used against enemy cannon (hitting carriage) and infantry (grapeshot and cannister)

From David Jahntz:  I'm also attaching (above) a rather famous photograph I was luck enough to take of the NWTA's first colors ceremony on the Memorial Day Weekend in 1975.  It was at the town of Battleground, north of Lafayette, Indiana.  To the left is the 2nd Virginia Regiment leading the Alliance into position and Commander Paul Block on the right side of the photography.  The Tippecanoe Ancient Fife & Drum were going to move farther to the left side as the forces approached from the upper central part of the photograph.


Founding of the Second Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line

By Vic Mejias

The original conception for the formation of the regiment is credited to Bob Walters and George Androne some time after the end of the Civil War Centennial.  I, Rickert, Swanson, Aimone and Perkins were the first asked to join.  Bob Gramberg joined and we relied heavily on his knowledge of the Rev War, it was decided to become members of the Brigade of the American Revolution (BAR).

Gramberg’s information on the correct uniform for a 2nd. Va. Light Infantry Regiment was to be white linen breeches and waist coat with white stockings and black gaiters, white shirt with a leather neck stock, belly cartidge box, bayonet scabbard with a leather helmet with a bear skin crest with a linen white band around the helmet with a cockade and plume.

Four of us in Bob’s car drove to Newburgh N.Y. for a BAR School Of The Soldier event to also be inspected for admittance to the BAR.

A Hessian (William Wiggam) BAR member who also was the pattern master inspected us and we failed completely on our clothing.  Our regimental coats were not sewn in a 18th century fashion and the color of our breeches and waist coat were supposed to be red, blue or green.  The leather covered Cubs plastic helmets were only good up to a fifty yard line of sight.  We came home very disappointed and some of us wanted to abandon the idea of joining the BAR.

Cooler heads prevailed in time and it was decided that the BAR was an outstanding and worthy organization and we should heed their suggestion and changes to be accepted as members of the BAR.  We started from scratch with the help of patterns and instructions on fabricating all the clothing requirements sent to me from Wiggam, we made the changes and we became BAR members at par with other BAR regiments.

Bill Sullivan and I attended a meeting and pledge our support and became a founding Regiment in the new to-be-formed NWTA.

I was almost tarred and feathered by a couple of 2nd Va. members for being disloyal to the BAR for joining the NWTA.  It was discussed and persuaded the members that we could be members of both organizations, and brought up the fact that attending events out east during the Bicentennial celebration events would be costly and too far to travel on a regular basis.  The local NWTA would provide events to take part in the celebrations, peace was restored to the regiment.  It was also decided not to be a Light Infantry Regiment but to become a Line Regiment.

In your list of members my son Victor A. Mejias should be added to the list, I can show you pictures of him in full regimentals drilling at Beamis Woods.  There are a number of early members that I have lost memory of their names, and past and current members during the new revised 2nd Va. are unknown to me. 

Vic Mejias, retired Sgt., 2nd Va. Regiment Continental Line


Not sure but a possible source for the purple die for the uniform was logwood.

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